Modern electronic devices are getting complex and, at the same time, smaller in size which brings high level of complexity in geometries and contacts with extremely small parts, gaps and clearances. Accurate simulation of such devices requires resolution of fluid flow and heat transfer around and between included components.
- Simulation Directly on CAD Geometries without Simplification. FlowVision SGGR technology allows for coping with the highest level of topology details. In classical CFD approach, electronic device geometries are gone through extensive simplification procedures whereas FlowVision is capable of directly importing CAD files including contacts and small gaps.
- Complex Assemblies with Many Parts & Thin Clearances. CAD assemblies can be imported to FlowVision including cases where bodies are intersecting or in contact with each other. Additionally, thin clearances down to microns can be resolved with FlowVision unique Gap Model.
- Heat Sinks. Any type of heat sink can be modeled in FlowVision. Complex shaped solids with large surface areas in contact with heat generating bodies are assigned as heat conducting solids which are also included in conjugate heat transfer mechanism with the cooling fluids.
- Passive & Active Cooling. Cooling of electronic components are performed either actively by use of energy (through a fan etc.) or in a passive manner by only inserting heat transmitting materials such as heat sinks. In FlowVision, forced and natural convection between solid and fluid regions and heat conduction in solids are accurately calculated. Additionally thermal bridges are formed between solid bodies in contact.
- Heat Conduction in Solids. In FlowVision, arbitrary sub-region(s) can be assigned as solid volumes and preferred solid materials can either be selected from FlowVision materials library or created by user with desired physical properties such as thermal conductivity.
- Natural & Forced Convection. In presence of temperature difference between stationary fluid continuums and solid surfaces; natural convective heat transfer mechanism and resultant buoyancy driven fluid motion are simulated by FlowVision solver with energy equation. On the other hand, forced convection flows can be easily generated by rotating fans and other turbomachines or by means of appropriate boundary conditions.
- Conjugate Heat Transfer. In cases where one fluid and one solid sub-region are in contact, face(s) in contact can be coupled to each other to activate conjugate heat transfer mechanism. In one simulation, there can be many coupled surfaces between different sub-regions, phases and substances.
- Thermal Resistance between Electronic Components. Assemblies are directly imported into FlowVision and surface offsets can be created in required contact regions. In the clearances created by surface offsetting; gap heat transfer coefficient is entered by user in order to simulate thermal resistance and bridging between solid components.